
What is Mulligulp?

Mulligulp is a drinking game of precision and skill based loosely on the game play of Golf.

Mulligulpers make Attempts at Scoring Windows and try to avoid Bogie, 2x Bogie and 3x Bogie zones along the Fairway and Putting Green.

An Attempt is defined as a Gulp. A Gulp starts when the Mulligulper puts the glass to their lips and ends when they check the beverage level in the glass. 

Mulligulpers do not count the number of sips or swallows made during a Gulp. 


Mulligulp is played in rounds. A round is the completion of 3 Fairways. Players, or Mulligulpers, start from the Par 3 fairway and progress through the course by rotating their glass to the left. Mulligulpers take turns on each Fairway, moving to the next Fairway once they’ve marked their score. Mulligulpers do not move onto the next Fairway until all players have completed the Fairway in play.

Set up /Tee up

Fill your beverage to the center of either one of the “tee boxes.” Blue for the pros and White for the amateurs. The tee box you choose at the beginning of the game will be the tee box you use for the duration of the round.

Fairway play

Take your first Gulp and aim to settle the liquid beverage level inside the Par Window.

Official Par Window checks are done but setting the beverage on a level surface.

If you succeed in leveling out in the Par Window you have two options; 

  1. Mark your Par on the Scorecard. Move on to the next Fairway, refill your beverage to the center of your chosen tee box and wait your turn to Gulp 
  2. Aim for  the Putting Green and try to better your score. 

If the beverage level falls above the Par Window on your first Gulp, you score a Bogie, BUT you have a chance to “save par.” 

  • Saving par: From the bogie position, take 1 more Gulp and try for Par again! If the beverage level falls inside the Par Window, mark a Par and move on to the next Fairway. You do not get to advance to the Putting Green on a saved par. 

If your beverage level falls below the par window on your first Gulp or on your attempt to save par, you score a Double Bogie. There is no redemption. Fill your beverage back up and move on to the next fairway. 

If you are playing on a single pour and have no extra beverage with which to refill your Mulligulp pint, the score you land in off your first Gulp is the score you mark on the scorecard. Players can choose to use a Mulligulp to better their score but are limited to 1 Mulligulp per establishment per day. 


Congratulations you’ve made Par and will now attempt to better your score!

Take your second Gulp. Aim to level your beverage in either the Birdie Window or the Eagle Window. Be careful to not miss the Birdie or Eagle Window, as there is a chance you can worsen your score. 

Notice the Putting Green is divided into two colors and hosts three Scoring Windows. If you do not level your beverage within either of the Scoring Windows, your score is determined by the colored section your beverage leveled out in

If you level your beverage within the boundaries of the light green section but outside of the Birdie or Double Bogie Window, you maintain your Par from your first Gulp. 

If your beverage levels out in the red portion of the Putting Green but outside of the Eagle Window, mark a Triple Bogie and finish your beverage.

If your beverage levels out inside the Double Bogie Window, mark a Double Bogie and finish your beverage. 

Go for the Gilmore / “Hole in One”

At the bottom of the Par 5 Fairway is a Flag Hole Window. This window is only in play from the tee box. Before taking aim at the Flag Hole Window, the Mulligulper must proclaim that they are “Going for the Gilmore.” 

If the Mulligulper succeeds in leveling the liquid beverage level inside the Flag Hole Window this player marks a Gilmore on the Scorecard, all opponents must finish their beverage and add a Bogie to their scorecard.

If the Mulligulper fails to level the liquid beverage level in the Flag Hole Window this player marks a 3x Bogie on the scorecard and all opponents mark a Birdie.


Scores are determined by the defined sections of the glass and whether the liquid level of beverage falls within these sections or within the Scoring Windows.

Mulligulpers mark their scores on the scorecard and tally the total score at the end of the round. The Mulligulper with the lowest score at the end of the round wins. Reminder, Mulligulp is not scored by the number of Gulps you take.


Scoring Windows:

Par 3 - Scored as Par = 0

Par 4 - Scored as Par = 0

Par 5 - Scored as Par = 0

2xBogie = +2

Birde = -1

Eagle = -2

Gilmore = -3

Fairway Sections:

Bogie = +1

2x Bogie = +2

3x Bogie = +3